Exhibit #3F

Exhibit #3F

This what Mr. Achtem's responce could have been for Exhibit N if Justice Horner adhered to Civil Practise Note 5 - Family Law Pretrial Conferences.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Questions & The Proper Answers verus The Ambushed State of Mind Answers

Ms. Achtem's question on page 121/line 37 to 42; "In an e-mail dated September 4th, 2003, did you not state on the separation agreement, we're going to put your house as an exclusive residence and the Calgary home as my exclusive residence. As long as we are separated, you'll be the sole resident of the Medicine Hat home?"

Mr. Achtem's answer was correct, but he was too confused to answer like this; "Yes I did state this, but for the record Mrs. Sails (Achtem) you have only read a small sliver of information from this e-mail, and having only what you read is destructive to my case, so I will read more of it. I will read the first two paragraphs of this e-mail for the record, and then give a response. Dear Rhonda, on the separation agreement we're gona put your home as the exclusive residence and the Calgary home as my exclusive residence. I feel that title transfers should and will be made by the court when one of us apply for a divorce request after July 23/04. As long as we are separated you'll be the sole Resident of the Medicine Hat home. I need to admit because of my medication for MS that I stopped using 16 days ago made myself emotionally and mentally unstable. Todd said wait a year and discuss this with family court and let them decide what's fair for you, Kayla, and myself. You will get the Thee Thousand dollars. What I see as unfair is that on the primarily matrimonial home in Medicine Hat is that it will be paid off in 13 years at $333.00 every 2 weeks and our Calgary home is paid at $562.00 every month over 25 years. We had already agreed to put $45,000.00. The deposit on that and I will not hold you accountable for that. The mortgage time frame payout is what's unfair. And also the fact that Jim Markley lent us $8000.00 the pay off M/C so we could buy the Calgary home. Ms Achtem this was a proposition that you did not accept and I will get more into it during the argument stages of this Trial."

At this point in the Trial Justice Horner appears to show a clear sign loosing focus:

From page 122, line 4 to line 5. Justice Horner question Mr. Achtem; "Sorry, did you say yes to that Mr. Achtem, this is you letter?"

Now! Compare this answer here to Rhonda Sails's/(Ms. Achtem) cross-examination of Exhibit N from the Trial transcript (Exhibit #3) page 121, line 27 to page 122, line 35


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